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Best Tomato Companion Plants


Tomato plants are a staple in the home garden, but if you want to get the most out of your tomato growing experience, it's important to know what other plants to plant next to them. Companion planting is a great way to improve the health and productivity of your tomato plants. By planting your tomatoes around other plants, you can help ensure that they grow as well as possible with less effort from you. This list will show you some of my favorite companion plants for tomatoes. Consider growing these companion plants in your garden:

Sweet Basil

Sweet basil is an excellent companion plant for tomatoes because it attracts bees and other pollinators. It's also edible, whether you want to cook with it or just grow it as a decorative herb. If you're looking for an herb that will come back each year, sweet basil is a good choice since it's perennial in warmer climates like California and Arizona. The seeds can be sown directly next to your tomato plants, or transplanted in at nearly anytime during the spring/summer season.


Onions are a great companion plant for tomatoes because they repel the same pests and attract beneficial predators. Onions can also help keep your tomato bed healthy because they produce sulfur compounds that deter fungi, bacteria, and other disease-causing organisms. To grow onions:

Onion seeds can be sown directly into the ground after danger of frost has passed (usually around May or June) or transplanted indoors 4-6 weeks before planting time. Onions prefer full sun but will tolerate partial shade. They grow well in most soil types as long as they have decent drainage; add organic matter such as compost when preparing beds if needed. Once established in spring, water deeply once a week until seedlings emerge; then water regularly throughout the growing season as needed to keep soil moist but not saturated (damp). In fall, pull up plants when leaves begin to turn yellowish green; trim off tops about 2 inches above root ends with scissors; leave roots intact for storage purposes.


Chives are a perennial herb that can be grown year-round. They come in several varieties and all have the same basic characteristics: tall, green stems, purple flowers (which turn into chive seeds), and small round leaves. Chives are easy to grow and don't require much maintenance—all you need is a patch of soil with full or partial sunlight exposure, water every few days and fertilize with compost once a month.

Chive plants should be spaced about 18 inches apart from each other when planted directly in the ground; they can also be grown indoors as an annual or biennial plant if you're planting them indoors during the winter months. When harvesting your chive crop for cooking purposes, cut off just enough so that there will still be plenty left behind to grow back again! Chives make excellent additions to salads but also work well sauteed as part of any savory dish such as soups or casseroles--or even on their own tossed into warm butter for dipping breadsticks!


Garlic is a great companion plant for tomatoes. It helps to protect against pests, including aphids, whitefly and flea beetles. It also protects against diseases such as blight and mildew. Garlic also helps to keep the soil healthy for your tomato plants so that there are no unwanted pests or diseases in the soil when your tomatoes are planted there. Garlic is best planted from cloves - and consider growing a heirloom hard-neck variety, which is something different from the normal soft-neck variety you see in every grocery store.


Parsley is a great companion plant for tomatoes. It's known to deter pests such as tomato hornworms, aphids and other insects in your garden. Parsley is also a great herb to use in cooking!


Nasturtiums are an edible flower that can be used in salads or as a garnish. They have a peppery taste, and they're also a great companion plant for tomatoes, as they repel pests.


The taste of borage is often likened to cucumber, and it's packed with nutrients as well. Borage is also great for pest control, pollination and tomato flavor! Try planting this one near your tomatoes so you can reap the benefits of both plants.


The deep roots of carrots help break up compacted soil, which makes them ideal for growing alongside tomato plants. They also release a chemical called allyl propyl disulfide that deters pests like root maggots from attacking the roots of nearby plants like tomatoes!


We hope that this list of companion plants for tomatoes has been helpful to you. It is important to remember that not all tomato plants will work with every herb or vegetable on this list, so do some research before planting your garden next year.

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